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This turns an R list into the equivalent XML document. Not all R lists will produce valid XML, in particular there can only be one root node and all child nodes need to be named (or empty) lists. R attributes become XML attributes and R names become XML node names.


as_xml_document(x, ...)



A document, node, or node set.


Needed for compatibility with generic. Unused.


as_xml_document(list(x = list()))
#> {xml_document}
#> <x>

# Nesting multiple nodes
as_xml_document(list(foo = list(bar = list(baz = list()))))
#> {xml_document}
#> <foo>
#> [1] <bar>\n  <baz/>\n</bar>

# attributes are stored as R attributes
as_xml_document(list(foo = structure(list(), id = "a")))
#> {xml_document}
#> <foo id="a">
as_xml_document(list(foo = list(
  bar = structure(list(), id = "a"),
  bar = structure(list(), id = "b")
#> {xml_document}
#> <foo>
#> [1] <bar id="a"/>
#> [2] <bar id="b"/>