extracts all namespaces from a document, matching each
unique namespace url with the prefix it was first associated with. Default
namespaces are named d1
, d2
etc. Use xml_ns_rename
to change the prefixes. Once you have a namespace object, you can pass it to
other functions to work with fully qualified names instead of local names.
x <- read_xml('
<doc1 xmlns = "http://foo.com"><baz /></doc1>
<doc2 xmlns = "http://bar.com"><baz /></doc2>
#> d1 <-> http://foo.com
#> d2 <-> http://bar.com
# When there are default namespaces, it's a good idea to rename
# them to give informative names:
ns <- xml_ns_rename(xml_ns(x), d1 = "foo", d2 = "bar")
#> foo <-> http://foo.com
#> bar <-> http://bar.com
# Now we can pass ns to other xml function to use fully qualified names
baz <- xml_children(xml_children(x))
#> [1] "baz" "baz"
xml_name(baz, ns)
#> [1] "foo:baz" "bar:baz"
xml_find_all(x, "//baz")
#> {xml_nodeset (0)}
xml_find_all(x, "//foo:baz", ns)
#> {xml_nodeset (1)}
#> [1] <baz/>
#> List of 1
#> $ root:List of 2
#> ..$ doc1:List of 1
#> .. ..$ baz: list()
#> .. ..- attr(*, "xmlns")= chr "http://foo.com"
#> ..$ doc2:List of 1
#> .. ..$ baz: list()
#> .. ..- attr(*, "xmlns")= chr "http://bar.com"
str(as_list(x, ns))
#> List of 1
#> $ root:List of 2
#> ..$ foo:doc1:List of 1
#> .. ..$ foo:baz: list()
#> .. ..- attr(*, "xmlns")= chr "http://foo.com"
#> ..$ bar:doc2:List of 1
#> .. ..$ bar:baz: list()
#> .. ..- attr(*, "xmlns")= chr "http://bar.com"